Preventing Tension and Stress Amongst New Friends
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Ok, let’s just cut to the chase … we’re women; we’re emotional. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, just more in tune with ourselves. From time to time, you may introduce a friend into your social circle, and that doesn’t always pan out too well. Different personalities will do one of two things:
Mesh well and everyone is in perfect harmony

Clash like the Titans
It’s odd and hard sometimes to tell a girlfriend you’re going to hang out with some friends to something you know she’ll really enjoy, and you don’t even ask her to come. So, without even consulting with other friends on inviting her, you do, and it doesn’t pan out too well. What do you do in these situations? Here are a few tips I’ve run across over the years.
- Immediately after you’ve noticed you did this invite without consulting with others, let them know. Be open and honest about why you like this person and thought they should come along.
- Talk to the “outsider” friend about any clashing personalities in your group. This at least makes her aware of what to not do. She doesn’t have to walk on pins and needles but know what sensitive topics and buttons to not press. Now if she goes ahead and does it anyway, she’s in the ocean on her own without a life vest (you warned her and did your best friend duty)
- Tip #2 works both ways. I mean, what if she experienced a recent loss or break up and that’s why you’re even inviting her out. Make sure your friends are sensitive to her feelings as well, if need be.
- Make sure it’s an outing where you all can have space. Tight and crowdy situations could prove disastrous.
- Never assume you all will ride together. Possibly have your friend drive or you two get a taxi or Uber. The problem here is that if chaos does arise, you don’t want to have to pull yourself away from the party either. She can comfortably leave on her own. Do you really want to explain to your friends that you left a pre-planned event with another friend who got added to this invite list?